讲座题目:International Journal of Management Reviews overview and approaches to theoretical contributions
主讲嘉宾:Dongmei Cao
Dr Dongmei Cao, SFHEA, Associate Professor in Business Transformation, PhD supervisor, and Course Director for MSc Business Transformation at Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK. I am Associate Editor for International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR) and Journal of Marketing for Higher Education (JMHE), in Editorial board of Journal of Organizational Culture, Communications and Conflict (JOCCC), and Special Issue Editor for Resource, Conservation and Recycling. I am a co-chair for British Academy of Management’s (BAM) Sustainable and Responsible Business (SRB) Track and an External Examiner for a few universities (UK, India and Pakistan). I regularly examine PhD viva and chair international conferences such as BAM’s annual conferences and ABCP (Association of British Chinese Professors) annual conferences, demonstrating my leadership and influence in the field. My research has been published in Journal of Business Research, Long Range Planning, IEEE TEM, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, European Journal of Marketing, Technology Forecasting & Social Change, and more.
• Overview of IJMR publications
• Getting published in IJMR – submission and review process
• Approaches to theoretical contributions for publications
• IJMR Special issue calls for papers