Title: Multi-Class Patient Scheduling: A Data-Driven Approach
Reporter: Hossein Abouee Mehrizi,University of Waterloo
Date: May 25 (Wed), 2022
Time: 9:30 AM-11:30 AM (GMT+8)
Zoom meeting ID:874 3216 0539
Password: 627468
In this talk, we present a simple efficient algorithm for the dynamic multi-class advance patient scheduling which is a challenging problem due to the high variability in the patient daily arrivals and the high dimensionality of the problem. Specifically, we consider a multi-class advance patient scheduling problem where patients of different classes have different service times and incur different waiting costs to the system. Exploiting patient-level offline data, we develop a distributionally robust model and present a dynamic algorithm to schedule patients upon arrival. To quantify uncertainty in arrivals, we apply a smooth, coherent risk measure that allows us to compute robust solutions against perturbations in the patient arrival process. To examine the performance of the algorithm, we leverage the magnetic resonance imaging data from hospitals in Ontario and show that the dynamic robust model outperforms the dynamic stochastic approach significantly.
Hossein Abouee Mehrizi is an associate Professor of applied operations research and Canada Research Chair in the Department of Management Sciences at the University of Waterloo. His main area of research is data-driven and stochastic modeling with a focus on healthcare applications. The honors and awards he has received are as follows: CIHR Canada Research Chair Award (2019, 2014), Ontario Early Researcher Award (2017), University of Waterloo Outstanding Performance Award (2017, 2015), Canadian Operational Research Society Award (2021), Dematic Capstone Award (2021) and so on.
He has published more than 30 articles in the top journals of Operations Research, such as Production and Operations Management, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Transportation Science, Operations Research, Decision Sciences, Naval Research Logistics, Performance Evaluation, Queueing Systems, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, etc. He serves as an Associate Editor for journals such as Operations Research Letters, Naval Research Logistics, Health Care Management Science, 2019-present; a Cluster Co-Chair for CORS Annual Meeting (2012, 2013, 2021); a Session Chair for INFORMS Annual Meeting (2011, 2014, 2015), CORS Annual Meeting, (2011, 2012), POMS Annual Meeting (2010); and also a Reviewer for Operations Research, Management Science, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management, Transportation Science, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Operations Research Letters, Naval Research Logistics, IIE Transactions, etc.