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Three Programs of School of Business Rated “Excellent” in Post-Assessment

source:   Author: Han Xiaodong     time: 2020-04-20    Hits:

In March 2020, the Department of Management Science of the National Natural Science Foundation conducted a post-assessment on programs that were funded by the Foundation in 2013. The general program “Design of the Coordination Mechanism for Agricultural Products Supply Chain with Farmers’ Behavior Preferences Considered” (71371086) by Professor Pu Xujin was rated excellent.

The program explores a coordination mechanism that solves the real dilemma confronting the supply chain of agricultural products in China. Altogether nine papers were published on SCI and SSCI journals, and 21 on major academic journals recognized by the Department of Management Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (one included by Frontrunner 5000 and one termed the most influential paper by Chinese Journal of Management Science). One monograph was published and five consulting decision-making reports were submitted. The program received two provincial and ministerial research achievement awards.

Also rated excellent are general program “Experimental Research with Multiple Simulation on Traceable Food Consumption Policy Based on Consumer Preference: A Case Study of Pork” (71273117) by Professor Wu Linhai and Youth Program “Modeling with Unequally Spaced Grey Forecasting Model Based on Small Samples and Application” by Professor Wang Yuhong.