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Seminar on Improving Quality of MBA Dissertations Successfully Held

source:   Author: Tang Jie     time: 2020-05-05    Hits:

On the afternoon of April 29, the Seminar on Improving Quality of MBA Degree Dissertations was successfully held online. A total of 63 people were present, including Dean of School of Business Teng Lefa, Party Secretary Zhang Haifeng, MBA supervisors, and management team of MBA Program Center. The seminar was hosted by Wu Ge, vice dean of School of Business and director of the MBA Program Center.

First of all, Wu Ge analyzed the main problems in the sources of MBA students, the blind review of dissertations and the provincial random inspection, pointed out the main challenges confronting degree management, and proposed the goal and direction of MBA degree management.

Three professors, namely, Zhu Jinwei, Tang Jianrong, and Wang Yuhong, shared their experience in supervising MBA dissertations. They all mentioned that it is more challenging than supervising students of research programs.

In his speech, Zhang Haifeng highlighted that, on the one hand, the School must focus on improving the quality of MBA dissertations and enhance its collective sense of honor and reputation. On the other, the supervisors and the MBA Program Center must standardize management and complete the supervision with high requirements.

At last, Mr. Teng Lefa made a concluding speech. He emphasized that JNU attaches great importance to MBA education and made it clear that the School should not only improve the quality of MBA dissertations, but also the quality of teaching.

The School is the 2nd business school in Jiangsu Province, the 36th in Mainland China and the 258th in the world to be certified by AMBA. The faculty and management team will work together to build an influential brand.