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Professional Ethics for Faculty of Jiangnan University

source:       time: 2020-03-11    Hits:


1.    Dedicated

Love the socialist motherland and support the leadership of the Communist Party. Fully implement the party's education policy, practice the school motto of “adhering to the best, and ending with the best”, and strive to do a good job.


2.    Rigorous Scholarship and Exploration

Seek truth from facts, respect science, actively explore, and be creative. Establish good teaching style, integrate theory with practice, study business hard, and constantly update knowledge. Actively engage in scientific research and contribute to the construction of school disciplines and socio-economic development. Advocate academic democracy, resist academic corruption, properly handle the relationship between teaching and scientific research, and continuously improve their academic standards.


3.    Carefully teach and educate

Explore and follow the laws of teaching, engage in teaching reforms, deliberately study teaching materials, improve teaching methods, and constantly update teaching content. Carefully prepare lessons, concentrate on lectures, and counsel carefully. Teach students according to their aptitude, inspire thinking, follow temptations, persevere, focus on quality education, strive to impart cultural and scientific knowledge and professional skills to students, actively cultivate students' good ideology, morality, and spirit of innovation, strengthen students' ability cultivation, and promote students' moral, intellectual, physical and other comprehensive development.


4.    Be a model for students

Exemplary compliance with social morality and school regulations. Decent style, civilized language, generous manner, neat appearance, courteous and helpful. Lead by example and consciously maintain the image of teachers.


5.    Love students and teach according to law

Establish the correct teacher-student relationship and be a good teacher and friend of students. Take care of students, take care of them, and actively help students solve their difficulties. Respect students and protect their legitimate rights and interests. Strict requirements on students to promote healthy development of students.


6.    Unity and Cooperation for Common Development

Love school, care for the collective, serve the community, and enthusiastically engage in public welfare activities. Respect colleagues, treat each other with sincerity, be humble and prudent, learn from each other, support each other, take the overall situation into consideration, and develop together.


This specification will be implemented as of the date of publication, and the Teaching Affairs Office will be responsible for interpretation. The former "Jiangnan University Faculty Professional Ethics Code" (Trial) (Jiangnan University Office (2006) No. 4) was repealed simultaneously.